Whether it's commitment to the support association, financial donations, donations in kind for school equipment, "manpower" for school events, facilitating internships, company tours/information events or the delicious baked goods for the cake bazaar .... our thanks go to all those who support our special educational concept and help shape our everyday school life time and again with their help.
In the areas of early childhood, holistic, adult or further education we work closely with our partner companies Studiencolleg-Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Glauchau, GGB Gesellschaft zur ganzheitlichen Bildung gGmbH Sachsen as well as the IWS Integrationswerk gGmbH Western Saxony together.
All SIS schools and daycare centers of the GGB are supported by the Saxony International School Scientific Advisory Board. The advisory board, which works on a voluntary basis, includes leading representatives from education, business, research, politics, marketing, finance, law and public relations. The main focus is on building partnerships with companies and institutions as well as creating networks on a national and international level. In addition, the research of funding programs, sponsoring, professional public relations and the development of future projects, perspectives and guiding structures are important topics of the contribution work. You can find out more about this on the pages of the school board. With the following link you will leave the school website: Saxony International School Scientific Advisory Board
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all individuals, companies and institutions!
At our school, practical experience in the regional economy is emphasized. In each grade, our students complete practical days (from grade 5) or internships (from grade 8) in partner companies from the region. This gives our students an insight into everyday working life and familiarizes them with typical occupations. Under the guidance of a company mentor, the children carry out a specific task, which is evaluated in class. This increases the economic competence of our students and facilitates the transition to training and working life.
Here we list some examples of companies that have agreed to cooperate with our school. We would like to thank all our cooperation partners for their commitment!
Phone +49 36621 29111
Fax +49 36621 244635
TRIAS Secondary School Elsterberg
Wallstraße 16
07985 Elsterberg